Exploratory Data Analysis in Python
This Project Explores the findings in the Data. Perfomed Data Wrangling (Cleaning),carried descriptive statistics on the data and uncovered data Insight.
A Data Analyst Skiled in SQL, Power BI, Tableau, Python, Microsoft Excel and SPSS @www.linkedin.com/in/yakub-adam-ibrahim-914995179
This Project Explores the findings in the Data. Perfomed Data Wrangling (Cleaning),carried descriptive statistics on the data and uncovered data Insight.
This Project explores, survey and Visualized different Job Professionals (Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Data Engineer and others) on differents basis.
This Project Explore and Visualized Data using Microsoft Excel for Data Insight.
This is project demostrated Web Scrapping Using BeautifulSoup and requests in python to scrape https://www.4icu.org/ng/ and get the Top Best Universities in Nigeria | 2022 Ranking
This Project versed the creation of Database, Inserting and Reading Data in the Database with SQL Commands.
This Project versed the various algorithms and model to uncover insight and performed some predictive analysis
This project versed Data Visualization through the use of charts.